Demographic Spatial Data Management in Indonesia with the Approach of Geographic Information System Model


More rapid population growth in a particular area will gradually cause complex problem to the society and its environment. Indonesia becomes the 4th rank of most populated country in the world. Based on the result of population census in 2013, the number of populations in Indonesia was 240.5 million people. It means that Indonesia can be included as a country with the biggest population number among other developing countries after China and India. If it is compared with the census in 2000, it shows population expansion in Indonesia with approximate value 1.98% per year.

Based on the projection result of the population, the number of populations in Indonesia in 2050 is predicted to reach 366 million people3. Based on the data from World Population Datasheet, here it is the table of most populated countries in the world and the future projection in 2050 Table 1.

The impact of over load population is closely related to the width of the occupied area in a particular country. Big population can trigger some problems, and it can become the asset of a country as well. The most prominent issue is that big population can be the most influential asset of a country if human resource quality of the population is high. Although Indonesia becomes the 4th rank of its population number, Indonesia is in the 121st position in the world of its human resource quality (year 2014). Indonesia is still far left behind from China which has the highest number of population in the world, with its high quality population. The problem of population quality should be the government’s concern in handling the most prominent factor of prosperity and living quality to all citizens. Astronomically, Indonesia is located in 94˚ 45’ EL until 141˚ 05’ EL and 6˚ 08’ NL until 11˚ 15’ SL, in which equator area 1˚ is equivalent with 111 km. It means that Indonesian extends ±7,700,000 km2 with its land total area ±1,826,440 km2, and it is divided into 34 provinces. As the fourth country with the biggest population of the world with the population number ±238,452,952 people in the middle of 2015, the average population in every 1 km2 in Indonesia was occupied around 131 people /km2. Of course, a system to ease periodical monitoring about demography other than using census is significantly needed.

The width of Indonesia area in the map of population distribution seems uneven in 34 provinces. Based on the census result in 2010, there was 60% population occupying Java Island. However, Java Island is only 7% from the total area of Indonesia. On the other hand, Kalimantan Island which has bigger area was only occupied by 5% of Indonesia total population. Here they are some demographic problems in Indonesia:
  1. Problem of Total Fertility Rate (TFR). The increase of fertility rate will be the government’s burden in accommodating physical aspects like health facilities rather than its intellectual aspect. The increase of fertility will cause high rate of population improvement in developing countries that will negatively correlate to the prosperity of the population.
  2. Problem of Mortality Rate (MR). The high rate of life expectancy of the population requires bigger role of the government to provide any shelter facilities.
  3. Problem of Population Composition (PC). Indonesia has imbalance population composition that can cause new population problems.
By the existence of those problems, the researchers were motivated to conduct a study about demographic data management in Indonesia with the approach of geographic information system (GIS) model. Although the discussion related to demographic data management has widely been discussed in some other researches, the focus of the study, however, is to emphasize on demographic data management as a device of data monitoring and projection of population density with the approach of GIS model in order to control the population. The model of the system is expected to have a particular strength in monitoring demographic data and its control in every provincial area in Indonesia.

Proposed Method

The study was conducted to obtain a system that can be used to monitor the demographic data by using GIS model approach. The study was divided into three steps, as following:
  1. Spatial data and demographic data initiation.
  2. Spatial and non spatial data integration. It is the step in correlating spatial data and demographic data into the database.
  3. Indonesian demographic data visualization.
The system was designed as user friendly as it is expected by common people toward Information Technology (IT) to be able to access demographic data through web Figure 1.

Demography Theatrical

Some related researches have been done like the research who investigated about map making process by using Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG). In their study emphasize on SVG technology as the visualization of area mapping. In its development, SVG has become programming language to build interesting sites. SVG is a web graphic file format to present the graphics and to describe 2 dimension pictures base on eXtensible Markup Language (XML).

Another study investigated demographic problems in Indonesia. The focus of the study is demographical problem faced by the government as well as the impact of population nationally. Another problem analyzed is about employment showing that 77% employees in Indonesia are still in low education level. The impact toward per capita income will significantly influence toward the citizens’ living quality. Other demographical features also become the concern of the study such as the rate of divorce and marriage that will influence on fertility and mortality rate that can be the indicator as a country’s prosperity. The indicators of prosperity in a country can be significantly influenced by several factors such as the rate of fertility and mortality as they are noted by Statistical Bureau. In simple way it can be explained that people are the subjects as well as the objects of development. Thus, if there is no initial anticipation, it will cause national imbalance. In further, based on the literature review presented above monitoring is importantly needed toward population development in order to keep the balance of the population and the suitability of government’s program to reach national prosperity by using geographical information system that will be developed further.

Demography is a scientific study related to demographical number, population spread and composition as well as how those factors change from time to time. Demographic science can be in the form of quantitative organd qualitative data. Quantitative demography mostly uses statistical numbers and mathematical number. On the other hand, qualitative demography explains demographic aspects within the method of analytical description. In addition, demographic studies examine the development, phenomena, and problems related to demography and the social situation around its environment systematically. Demographic science that needs our attention concerns more to inter discipline studies integrated with demographic analysis that people may know as social demography. There are several opinions mentioning about the definition of demography:
  1. It is a science studying population in any particular area within its number, structure (composition) and development (change).
  2. It is a science examining the number, distribution, territorial, population composition, and the change as well as the causes that usually appear because of the rate of fertility, mortality, migration, and social mobility.
  3. It is a mathematical and statistical studies toward numbers, composition, spatial distribution of the population, and the change of the previous aspects that always happen as the impact of fertility, mortality, marriage, migration, and social mobility. 
Three important aspects in studying demography such as fertility, mortality, and migration as it can be seen in Figure 2. In addition, there are two supporting aspects in demography; those are social mobility and the rate of marriage. The data of population number can be obtained from these several ways: 
  1. Population census. It is a whole process from gathering, processing, presenting, and assessing demographic data that relate to the characters of demography, social economy, and environment.
  2. Registration of the population is the process of population data recording conducted by individual party when there is population change. It is done by domestic affair ministry through local village offices.
  3. Population survey is the process of information recording related to the population based on the specialty of wider and deeper studies.
The example is mobility survey of Yogyakarta citizens, and fertility survey of Yogyakarta citizens. Population survey was done because population census and registration have limitation and weakness. Demographic information can be obtained through census. In addition, the data used in the study is secondary data from Statistic Bureau as a simulation. The spatial data of Indonesian area is adopted from Google Maps API from

Result and Discussion



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