Web Technology Knowledge Management and its Privacy and Security Challenge

Web 2.0 covers a whole range of technology that can enable social networking and other activities across the developed nations and enable effective communication among the user group. The Web 2.0 is adopted by organizations in developed countries to enable IT functions, managing public relationship and human resource to enable interpersonal communication. The future framework around semantic technology and applying effective SOA will define the secure direction of social networking enabled through Web 3.0. The cloud  computing evolution will help improve the knowledge management and able to handle big data for these social media platforms. The proposed Web framework will enable multiple content sources, integrate various applications, combine social networking content under highly secure environment and will turn Web 2.0 into a participatory web and making sharing of information and data secure under open source environment. It can provide a complete virtual architecture and will create a global delivery platform for the developed countries. The future framework around semantic technology and applying effective SOA will define the secure direction of social networking enabled through Web 3.0. The cloud computing evolution will help improve the knowledge management and able to handle big data for these social media platforms.


The evolution of web-technology has emerged the wide spread usage of Web 2.0 systems across organizations in developed countries. The Web 2.0 has provided exceptional set of transformational benefit and helped rise of social networking platform that lead to challenges with privacy and security.

The report primary objective is to propose future model to include that how web 2.0 can be made more secure for social media platforms and what role researchers can play during the evolution. The future roadmap to be around growth of semantic technology and cloud computing evolution to create a path of next level web development for developed countries.

The research proposal is intend to cover roadmap of research and development around comparing research gap of web technology in social media and also evaluating the future perspective of the service around web 2.0 and 3.0. The gaps will be identified from cross-domain area and also to assemble research facts to seek evolution of web 2.0 and 3.0 and different approach and view adopted by the researchers.

Web 2.0 Adoption

The developed countries swiftly adopted Web 2.0 since 2009 and that enabled productivity for them. The web 2.0 acted like a platform that enabled organizations to add new dimensions to manage their business through online sources.  The recent development of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace has added dimensions to way users interact.

Privacy and Security Challenges

The major privacy and security challenges posed by use of Web 2.0 technology. The specific security challenges to Web 2.0 were primary due to challenges with adoption and integration. The Web 2.0 was able to mitigate few of the given threats due to adopting of following characteristics:
  1. Moving away from traditional web filtering.
  2. Using new protocol like AJAX, SAML and XML for detecting problems.
  3. Using rich internet application and RSS feed.
  4. Higher bandwidth to avoid any such threats.
  5. More user generated content.

Definition of Web 2.0 and Social Media

  1. The Web 2.0 was defined and its relevance from social media perspective was defined by the researcher while its various technologies were also covered as part of research. The adoption of Web 2.0 by the organizations was primary done so as to manage its various functions.
  2. The Web 2.0 has been defined from global perspective and its acceptance level in various developed countries. The social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Ning are used or personalized learnings and its features to enable learning across countries.
  3. The Web 2.0 has incorporated various new means of enabling communication like tagging, mashups, Wikis and all enabled through social media sites. The Web 2.0 has now evolved as read-write web and enabled range of activity including communication, data sharing, video sharing, live chats and enabling collective intelligence.
  4. Web 2.0 has enabled virtual communities through social media platforms. These virtual communities now act as target customer for various e-commerce business sites.
  5. The survey conducted by Prospero Technologies in 2007 reveal that more than sixty percent respondents feel that Web 2.0 has enabled social media performance and further created a market place for developed countries to target e-customers.

Scope Covered From Study Stand Point

  1. There were identified gaps in the scope of the research while the analysis was purely based on survey done by Gatner and primarily evolved only around adoption of social media network and benefits to different type of network.
  2. The scope and study of Web 2.0 well evaluated through using various literature and other research work done by scholars. The analysis was done around various social media and other platforms to enable user connectivity and collaboration.
  3. The Web 2.0 evolution has also been significant due to technology advancement of devices like smart phones, iPads, iPhone, PDAs and android enables mobile phone devices to use internet while on the go and ease of use for various users.
  4. The Web 2.0 has evolved more towards social interact than just providing information technology. The social networking sites are based on HTML web programing language to enable global connectivity.
  5. There are three important dimensions of Web 2.0 and all directly or indirectly are related with social media platforms to enable conversation and participation through various applications and enabled technologies.

Privacy and Security Issues With Mitigations



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